Last week, American Idol tryouts were held at Soldier Field. About a gazillion people showed up, including myself. By the time I got there, only the rejects were left. The sight of a microphone drove them absolutely batshit. I've got an essay about it up on my blog (check it out here), but if you wanna have a really good time, check out some pictures and audio here.
I got some old Highlights magazines in the mail the other day. They had such weird shit in 'em that I just had to scan 'em and post 'em here. I swear to god I haven't altered these at all, particularly not digitally with some weird fucking program called Photoshop that I've never even heard of before. I just made that up. "Photoshop." Anyway, here:
I made a comic a few months back called "Friends Forever: The True Story of John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald." I only made about 20 copies of it though, so there's a pretty good chance you've never seen it. Check it out here.
Jack Chick is one sick fuck. Before he sends me a cease and desist, be sure to check out the story of...
I made a radio documentary for submission to This American Life. You can download it here. It's also available on PRX, but you have to register. Lame.
I also like to make stupid flash cartoons. Here's two of them.